Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The third and final studio album released by The Farm in 1994, this album was not critically well received. There must be something wrong with me then because it’s the album of theirs I like the most, more so than Spartacus or Love See no Colour. No hits came from this album, but I like its clean sound.

While they are essentially classified as an indie dance or house band under the broad spectrum of alternative music, these tunes have more meaning to them than simple dance band music. Some of the tunes are slower tempo songs with well written lyrics and intricate construction. Peter Hooton’s lead vocals are in fine form along with some excellent backing harmony to create a very full, pleasing sound. Songs I especially like on this release are The Man Who Cried, Distant Voices and Echoes, which is a slightly haunting instrumental. The Farm was unofficially called the Soul of Socialism and is perhaps best known for the hit All Together Now, which is not on this album.

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