Honduras has been suspended from the OAS. So now they have become a pariah because they want democracy. Let's face it, the OAS is about as relevant as the United Nations is these days. This is an issue for the Honduran populace to decide, not clueless bodies of
politicians voting based on their own agendas comprised to serve their own interests.
And if you believe the findings of this article about Costa Rica, the Honduran military was even so nice to
Zelaya that they exiled him to one of the "
happiest" places on the planet. What's wrong with that you ask? Given what he is accused of, absolutely nothing. In fact, it's pretty benign treatment if you ask me.
Hondurans should decide and they will, on the side of peace and democracy. Let the world watch and condemn. They know what they want.
Democracy is to elect people by the PEOPLE! The people elected a president in 2005 and only the people can remove him by a referendum or by a due process to prove if the president is doing something illegal. the removal y any other means is a coup d'etat. If they did not want him, they could have waited for the elections in November to have another president. But the illegal government has other plans in mind: to change the outcome of the next presidential election in favor of a puppet president.
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