Monday, August 10, 2009

From CNN: Top 10 spots to snorkel

I was raised in the Bahamas (New Providence specifically, people refer to the island as Nassau, but Nassau is really the capital city) and grew up snorkeling and scuba diving. It's nice to see that 2 of CNN's best places to snorkel are in the Bahamas.

I would add that although this article is about snorkeling spots, a great spot for diving in the Bahamas is the drop-off into the tongue of the ocean off the Northwest side of New Providence. Depending where you anchor, anywhere from 50 to 75 feet beneath you is the drop-off into blue water, the side of a cliff which plummets to over 6000 feet. Swim along the side of the drop-off at around 80 feet and be prepared to see many forms of marine life (from manta rays to jacks to sharks) that come up out of the blue.

Also, a little bit further down there used to be black coral. I don't know about now since it has been a few years since I have been back to dive there. It's an amazing spot and a dive that will hopefully stay in your memory forever as well as in your log. Remember, the only things divers should take are pictures and the only things they should leave behind are bubbles.

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