And what is the correct spelling once they join the team. Of course there are no actual Czars or Tsars in the U.S. government, whichever spelling you may prefer. The title is simply shorthand for long drawn out titles which these special advisors actually possess.
For example the TARP Czar is Elizabeth Warren. Her Actual Title is: Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability, US Department of the Treasury.
Or take the Energy Tsar: Carol M. Browner, Actual Title: Assistant to the President, White House Office of Energy and Climate Change.
Or recall resignee Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones whose Actual Title was Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
Anyway, no matter what their titles are accounts differ on how many there actually are. I have seen numbers that range from 18 to 40. It seems that whatever the number may be there are too many. Even the term, a throwback to the Russian monarchy evokes an imagery which makes me uneasy, especially when no one has elected or confirmed these individuals.
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