Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who's checking the script supervisor?

Script supervisors are the people who are supposed to ensure continuity in movies to cut down on the mistakes we see in them from time to time. For instance, a blatant example might be an actor who has long sleeves in a shot and in the very next one which is the continuation of the scene he now has short sleeves. When the script supervisor is good the mistakes are minimal, but movies have mistakes, so who checks the the script supervisors? The nitpickers, that's who.


hking said...

I read the article. Some people have a lot of time on their hands. One thing I learned early in business is that no project is ever going to be perfect. It is a balancing act between time, money and perfection. We choose to accept imperfection because we don't have the time or money to make it perfect. We strive for quality, knowing not everything will be perfect. And if we stop and look at the world around us, nature is not perfect either. Those who want perfection are setting themselves up for failiure and disappointment.

hking said...

Even my short comment was not perfect. I misspelled "failure."

T. T. Douglas said...

You are right. Some people have way too much time on their hands. Some people are also much more observant. I don't pick up half the things in movies my wife does. Anyway, perfection doesn't exist and if some of the projects I have worked on are any example, it is a long way off. Thanks for the comments as always.

hking said...

Having produced two major training videos, I understand the value of the script supervisor and the need for people who are observant of detail. (Something which I am not.) I have found that a good editor can save a film by eliminating or minimizing the mistakes.