Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It has taken him 51 years...

But Fidel Castro finally admits the obvious. Recently when he was asked if Cuba's brand of socialism, created by himself after his 1959 revolution, could be of use in other countries Fidel gave the following answer, "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore."

Fidel is finally owning up to his sad reality, much to the detriment and despair of a once proud, and vibrant populace. Because of him, the island is broke, decrepit and starving for another political / economic model which may yet save it from an inexorable, grim fate.

This article from gives a snapshot on the current state. The methodical and destructive erosion of a joyous, prosperous way of life which Castro and his ilk have perpetrated on this island nation is an obscene tragedy.

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