Monday, July 6, 2009

They should have let him land

After being denied entry to Toncontin International Airport in Tegucigalpa Zelaya landed in El Salvador instead. They should have let him land and account for his illegal actions. The more they shut him out, the more of a circus it becomes, the more he plays the victim and garners world opinion to his side. As the saga continues to evolve, the country will increasingly become a pariah in world opinion. End result, the Honduran people will pay dearly for Zelaya's legacy. Meanwhile, Chavez chuckles with contentment.


Anonymous said...

Zelaya is a mini-Chavez wannabe. Not that that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

The organization of American states is being used by Mr. Insulza as the platform for implanting in Honduras an antidemocratic and leftist regime as the one done by Mr.Chavez in Venezuela. The petro-dollars of Venezuela were already used to buy governments of Nicaragua,Equador,Bolivia,all this with the approval of Mr.Insulza.Mr.Obama do you agree With this.too?

Anonymous said...

Chavez is a shame for the continent of Latin America. Hondurans want democracy, not more of the Chavez stain on their country.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that the Honduran government feels that at this time they can't guarantee Zelaya's safety therefoer they rather keep him away for the time being until everything cools down. It would be terrible if he was killed while in custody and right now Mr. Zelaya has thousands of enemies in Honduras. Also remember that Chavez is just waiting for an excuse to invade Honduras. Maybe if Zelaya was incarcerated that would be Chavez's excuse to enter Honduras to try to free his friend.

Anonymous said...

It is true. Chavez has said he will invade if need be. Anonymous above might be right. The problem is that they are damned if they do and damned if they don't allow Zelaya back in. What a joke the OAS and UN have turned out to be, AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely in agreement with all of you, Zelaya is playing his cards very well; he’s become a martyr and a champion for democracy, what a joke! What amaze me the most is the response of Obama and Hillary Clinton. I understand they could not side with the new government, but to demand that Zelaya returns to power? Unbelievable, they know Chavez is behind all this, and they are more worry about what the OEA said? Two wrongs do not make a right!

Anonymous said...

Good point. While it is true that Obama's official position can not be to side with the new government there is no need to give Zelaya the fanfare and platform he is giving him. This will not end well and the Hondurans will pay.