Thursday, December 17, 2009

Man exonerated after 35 years in prison

This just happened in my home state. After 35 years behind bars, James Bain is exonerated by DNA testing. The article states that...

"Of the 245 people in the United States whom DNA testing has exonerated, none has spent more time behind bars than Bain."

Bain says he is not angry. The man is truly amazing if he is not angry which I believe he is not. After having 35 years of his life stolen from him his priorities are seeing his mother, keeping faith with his God and getting an education. If you watch the video what you will see is a dignified, soft-spoken, polite, religious man with a wry sense of humor and a penchant for humbly enjoying his well deserved reversal of fortune. Amazing.


Steven Rossi said...

Dang! That is so nuts. It's truly mindblowing; I just wish I could sit down with him and talk about what he must be feeling now that he's freed. Crazy!

Anonymous said...

ouch. that sucks.

at least he's free to... rest. HE'S NOW OLD WHAT DUMB LAWYERING HAPPENED TO THIS GUY!!!

Anonymous said...

This just blows me away. More and more of this stuff is happening all the time.