Wednesday, September 29, 2010

North Korea's accelerated ROTC program

How do you become a four-star general overnight without having so much as a scintilla of military experience?


Andy D said...

Now, now....surely you don't think the "Dear Leader" would make a bad decision by making his son a four star general do you?

T. T. Douglas said...

Of course not. After all, the "Dear Leader" is infallible, is he not?

Cheers and thanks for the comment.

Unknown said...

We had a Great Leader, now a Dear Leader. I hope the next one is a Sensible Leader (don't know that I could have been at 26-28 years old).

Regarding promotion from couch and X-Box to 4-star general, all he needs is a good tailor.

T. T. Douglas said...

And a poofy haircut...