Thursday, May 26, 2011

You might be a zombie

And other bad news. I just finished reading this book from the editors of and not only is it hilarious, but it is chock full of shocking but utterly true facts. Some examples:

Did you know that Barry Manilow did not write I write the songs? In fact he wasn't even the first person to cover it.

Did you know that Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb? Hmmm.

Did you know that even though John F, Kennedy won a Pulitzer Prize for Profiles in Courage he didn't really write it?

Did you know that President Andrew Jackson spent a lot of time dueling? Depending on the sources consulted Jackson participated in anywhere from thirteen to hundreds of duels and was actually shot during one of them. The bullet remained in Jackson's body for nineteen more years.

This book is funny, informative and a light, entertaining read. Full title, You might be a zombie and other bad news.

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